Our 2 Year Anniversary!
How has it already been 2 whole years! Despite the significant challenges presented throughout the world, our Foundation has been able to make a positive impact to many families in need. We've only been able to accomplish this with huge support from our family, our friends and the countless supporters who have helped along the way. We cannot possibly thank you enough for the kindness you have shown!
In looking back, 2021 wasn't exactly what we planned for – understatement of the decade! We had a lot of success raising funds, growing our fan-base and providing needed supplies to the Parent's Closet at BBCH. We kicked off 2021 in April/May with our first fundraisers partnering with MK Kitchen and Azul Tequila in Gorham. These socially distant events added over 600 likes and new followers alone! Both businesses donated proceeds, leveraged their social media platforms and shared our mission with their customers. Just incredible support from our home town! We kept the momentum going in June with our 3rd event of the year at The Sweet Life Ice Cream Shop & Café. Again, our home town came through and gave donated proceeds to help support our cause – plus, who needs an excuse to get ice cream!
When summer came around, we held our 2nd Annual Addison Dube Book & Craft Fundraiser in honor of Addy's July birthday. While this is always a difficult time of year for our family, your support benefited the Child Life Department at BBCH and provided books and crafts to entertain the kiddos.
After some much needed downtime for our family and the Board, we started Fall with a very successful fundraiser at the Kennebunk Farmer's Market in October. We had lots of family and friends stop by and say hi while offering their support. This was such a highlight to the year and again gave us that drive we needed as the year winds down.
As we enter the holiday season, our friends at Crisp Yoga held a hot yoga class with the proceeds benefiting The Babygirl Foundation and directly funding the Parent's Closet. While the thought of Dave participating in the event directly would have been hysterical on many fronts, this too was a virtual event for us that raised funds for holiday crafts and supplies for the Child Life Department and the Parent's Closet.
Keeping the fall momentum going, one of our local Elementary Schools (Great Falls Elementary) is participating in a Compassion Collection benefiting the Parent's Closet at The Barbara Bush Children's Hospital. This will go a long way to keep the Parent's Closet full throughout the fall.
We plan to round out 2021 in a big way with Giving Tuesday! This upcoming November 30th, 2021 – Together we give. Generosity gives everyone the power to make a positive change in the lives of others and is a fundamental value anyone can act on.
To those who have written testimonials, reached out with feedback or encouraged us in any way in 2021 – THANK YOU! Your support, generous donations and participation has allowed us to fill the Parent's Closet without fail for the entire year AND give us a great head start entering 2022! We are unbelievably grateful for everything you have done and are excited for the opportunities the New Year has in store.
Best wishes and a heartfelt thank you from The Babygirl Foundation, our Board and all of the families you have helped us care for!